The Weiser Smart Key system is a popular residential door lock sold at big box retailers. It looks like a great idea because it is possible to rekey it yourself. However, what they don’t tell you is that in order to rekey it, you need to have a different key to change it to, which doesn’t come with the original lock. You can buy a separate rekey kit with the tool and extra keys required to do this yourself.
You could instead buy one lock for each door and then each lock would come with a different key, so you could make the two locks work off of one set of the keys and keep the other set for future rekeying.
My biggest concern with these locks is that the core is plastic (the part that spins when you put your key in) and so are the pins themselves which means they are very prone to malfunctioning, seizing and breaking. Also, because the core comes as a sealed unit, they cannot be repaired. These locks are also significantly easier to open with force or are susceptible to being drilled off the door, if a burglar were to want to break into your house.
As a locksmith, I see these locks on a regular basis because I have to replace them for homeowners. Therefore, I recommend that you use a higher quality metal cored lock from the get go.
If you are having trouble with your Weiser Smart Key lock, contact us to help you replace them so that all your locks work off of one key.